Five Door Films is an independent media production company based in Winnipeg, Canada, creating documentaries, animation and dramatic short films since 2007. We have completed many documentaries with a focus on local history (Our Neon City, Epilogues), and several studies of unique organizations (The Behavioural Health Foundation and the Winnipeg Humane Society). In 2014 we released a feature film On the Trail of the Far Fur Country, telling the story of the rediscovery of a silent feature film shot in Canada’s north in 1919. We have recently completed the restoration of The Romance of the Far Fur Country (1920) using archival film footage from the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives in Winnipeg. Our documentary “Adventures with the Movie Club” (2014) tells the story of the Winnipeg Amateur Movie Makers, a film club established in 1935. We are currently in production on a feature film called “Under a Cold War Sky”, a documentary exploring past and present of both sides of the Cold War by looking closer at the people, land and sky of former radar bases in the Canadian Arctic and the Baltic.